The other morning some girlfriends and I went to a mountain outside of the city of Charlotte and
1. It was hard as junk for me and everyone around could tell! haha
2. I give myself a little credit due to the fact that I haven't done anything really that athletic since...well, lets just say a long time...
3. and I enjoyed my "athlete's energy drink" a second time about 20 steps from the top!!
I have wonderful friends though that are so encouraging... Leann carried my 50lb (not really, but it feels like it) camera bag to the top for me! haha... one of those moments you are humbled very quickly! I totally want to do it again... it would be easier this time!
But let me tell you, much like life and owning a business, or training in sports, or to be honest with you... just about anyone who is truly prospering in any area in life and is an example to many...
You forget about how painful the climb was- once you're at the top. And even if you do remember some of the difficulty, you appreciate being up there much more, because you had to fight for it. It wasn't just given to you...
I've heard it said before, " It's crowded at the bottom, There's more room at the top, so come and join us."
So here are some images.... from the top...
It's Raining in the background over our homes! but we are in the sunshine! love it!
This one is my favorite. It just says so much to me.

2. I give myself a little credit due to the fact that I haven't done anything really that athletic since...well, lets just say a long time...
3. and I enjoyed my "athlete's energy drink" a second time about 20 steps from the top!!
I have wonderful friends though that are so encouraging... Leann carried my 50lb (not really, but it feels like it) camera bag to the top for me! haha... one of those moments you are humbled very quickly! I totally want to do it again... it would be easier this time!
But let me tell you, much like life and owning a business, or training in sports, or to be honest with you... just about anyone who is truly prospering in any area in life and is an example to many...
You forget about how painful the climb was- once you're at the top. And even if you do remember some of the difficulty, you appreciate being up there much more, because you had to fight for it. It wasn't just given to you...
I've heard it said before, " It's crowded at the bottom, There's more room at the top, so come and join us."
So here are some images.... from the top...