Okay so Christmas was wonderful! I hope that everyone had a great time with family and friends and got the most out of their Christmas! I absolutely love Christmas, maybe it has something to do with my birthday being the week after... but I don't know! We went by a house in Charlotte that had their lights synchronized to music! I wanted to stay there all night. The Cooke family knows the reason for the season... So many people go by houses like this and they think about all the time and money that goes into putting on such an elaborate show, when in fact they are missing the point completely! Isn't this is the season for giving and blessing other people? Isnt the entire holiday of Christmas circled around the birth of a man that lived his life in such a way that it would change the world..? The Cooke family did the show to bless other onlookers like myself and to raise money for local families that could not have gifts under their tree (if they even had one). It's the season of giving. They will reap HUGE blessings because of their selflessness.
Fast forward to 4:40 for a faster song.
This is someone else's video.. but it is the house! it was so fun. They had a bunch of techno remixes of the songs (which I like!).
The new years is right around the corner... What have you decided to make your 2010 look like?
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Hope you had a Merry Christmas!